En cuanto al Shabbat

En cuanto al Shabbat by Don Harris, Ricardo David Flores (Translator)

En Cuanto al ShabbatIn only 50 pages, every objection succinctly answered.  This, now very popular book leaves the reader with the most important decision since conversion.

Order in quantities for use as a clear witness of the Sabbath in the life of the “New Testament” Christian.  For anyone contemplating the Sabbath, this book answers the questions MOST everyone has about the Sabbath and its modern day significance.


“Is there such a thing as a perfect presentation of Sabbath? Yes! This is it!”  MW (Tennessee)




  • ISBN-13: 9780979282942
  • Publisher: Areopagus Publishing*
  • Publication date: 1/9/2014
  • Language: Spanish
  • Pages: 52
  • Product dimensions: 0.11 (w) x 5.06 (h) x 7.81 (d)

*Earlier editions by Think Red Ink Press

Something to think about.